Life is meant to be enjoyed, cherished and full of love and happiness!

However, it can sometimes feel hard, unfair, confusing, disappointing, and even painful.  At times, it can all become too much to handle on your own no matter how much you try.

When this happens, I believe strongly that it is okay to reach out for help. In fact, it’s a wonderful and healthy step to find someone with whom you can share your feelings, experiences and problems. The right person can listen to you and provide validating, supportive feedback in return.

My mission is to be that person for you.

Lisa Kelleher
Therapy in Alexandria Virginia

I help women & men who are struggling to find joy in their daily lives.

You’re worn out.

You need something to change.

You are ready.

…to be transformed.


It shouldn't be this hard to be happy

Are you in the middle of recent or long-term heartbreak? Have you been “searching for yourself” for far too long? Are your current family dynamics not leading you to the joy you expected?


you're ready for life to feel smooth and balanced

Are you ready to feel energetic instead of fatigued each day?  Are you ready for balance between work, family, and life?  Are you ready to find the joy that you deserve?


Discover the tools and strategies to overcome your past/ current life circumstances

Your past will always be a part of you, but it doesn’t have to define your present or dictate your future. I will help you transform your thinking so you can find the way out of challenging times and into a more joyful life.


Learn to manage the challenges to find a life of true joy and enjoyment

Life isn’t always easy, but it can still be fulfilling even when times are rough. I work with my clients to help them better handle trying periods so that they can transform to a life of hope and promise.

Lola Therapy

My Specializations

Phase of Life Changes

Change can be transformative in both positive and negative ways.

Anxiety & Stress

If you feel your anxiety is keeping you from living a joyful life, it’s time to get to the root cause, then focus on the present moment and how you create your new and improved future.

Confidence & Motivation

One of the biggest factors that can hold you back from being your best self is low self-esteem, and lack of self-worth and self-love.

Depression & Sadness

Determining what’s causing your sadness or depression can help you to transform those feelings of hopelessness and helplessness into hope and action!

Women's Health
Therapist for Women

About Lisa

Lisa Kelleher - Lola Therapy Headshot

Resident in Counseling, (Virginia) LPC


Certified Hypnotherapist in Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT)


Licensed Professional School Counselor K-12


Master Degree in Counseling & Human Development


Bachelor Degree in Human Relations (Psychology & Sociology)

Working With Me

I’ve been told by my clients that I am down-to-earth, empathetic, and easy to talk to.

I know how challenging it can be to feel like you’re not living your best and fullest life. That is why I’m passionate about helping my clients find solutions to their problems.  These challenges lead to a lack of confidence, motivation, depression, anxiety, or addictions. Many of my clients come to me feeling stuck, unmotivated, or unexcited about their life.

My mission is to be your guide and helper with the goal of teaching you the right tools so that you can reach a better state of mind and create a more joy-filled life focused on your overall wellness.

Do you feel that your life doesn’t have purpose or meaning? Are you feeling a lack of self-confidence and control over your life? Are you a frustrated parent looking for help with improving your relationship with your child or guidance on navigating the challenging teenage years? Are you struggling with relationships and finding love, fulfillment or connection?

I can help you.

By being here, you have already taken the first critical step of demonstrating awareness of knowing that you could benefit from help in addressing your problems. With support and tools – you can embark on your own journey to heal, take control, and live out life actively.  It’s time to transform into the best and most joyful version of yourself!

Therapy in Alexandria
Telehealth in Alexandria

Getting Started


Shift your Mindset

Have you had enough of not feeling fufilled? Are you ready to change your life?


Book a Call

Let’s connect for a conversation!  Book a no-obligation free 30-minute call with Lisa.


Begin your Sessions

We’ll meet to work through your challenges together.


Find Your Joy

Begin your guided transformative process to a well deserved joy-filled life!

My Practice


Telehealth Sessions Only

  Alexandria, VA

Make an Appointment

Book a free 30-minute, no-obligation Discovery Call to ask questions and determine if we are a good fit for each other! 

Session Availability

Monday: 11:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday – Friday: 11:00 am – 2:00pm
Tuesday – Friday: 7:00pm – 9:00pm