The Lola Therapy


I believe that everyone has the

capacity & resiliency to

transform themselves

…but sometimes they need someone else to help them discover the path to wellness.

My goal is to help my clients understand their thoughts, feelings and experiences so that they can heal and grow in the healthiest way possible. Using cognitive-behavioral therapy, strength-based therapy, and solution-focused therapy, I support my client’s progress toward facing and conquering their challenges.

Through working with Lola Therapy, my clients will spiritually connect with both God and their inner selves to uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding them back, so that they can actively move their life forward.

RTT in Alexandria

It’s time to transform your struggles and insecurities into

self-love & true happiness

Self-love needs self-care to grow and flourish, and therapy can go a long way to transforming your struggles and insecurities into true happiness.

Happiness stems from self-love and it has now become my mission to spread this word to others.

Therapist for Women
Approaches & Techniques

Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT)


Manifestation/Law of Assumption

Faith-Based/Christian Counseling

RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy)



About RTT

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a powerful innovative therapy, which gets to the root cause of why we may feel stuck. It is a method that combines the most effective techniques from Neuro Linguisitic Programming (NLP), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), hypnotherapy, and psychotherapy with the ability to bring out the best in you, permanently. It comes with a personalized recording post-session to help you create new thoughts, habits, and behavior for fast, effective, and long-term change.

The Story of Lola

Lola is my abuelita, my grandmother, my mentor.  She was tough. One word that comes to my mind is fuerte… which is Spanish for STRONG. She was the matriarch of the family, the one we all looked up to and loved dearly.  She was a single mother who raised five children on her own through hard times of struggle.  She worked in a factory for many years to support her family and her skills were plentiful, including being a talented seamstress and extraordinary cook who turned any piece of food into a masterpiece of deliciousness. Even her coffee was amazing!

Abuelita was a highly spiritual woman who had outstanding gifts of intuition, insight and wisdom that she used selflessly to help others. She was fearless and independent, a role model of decency and resilience. She embodied the strength and love that has inspired me throughout my life and she modeled a life of resiliency over difficult circumstances.  She created a life for her children that was full of love and strength even when times were hard.  This is what I wish to bring to my clients, who are ready to confidently take control and transform their lives and relationships into joy.

Certified Hypnotherapist

Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT)

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Hypnotherapist in Alexandria

Lisa Kelleher


Psychotherapist, Resident in Counseling (Virginia), LPC

Certified in RTT (Hypnotherapy), C.Hyp.

MA in Counseling, George Washington University

I have been helping children and adults in the mental health field for 15 years.

I received my Bachelor Degree in Human Relations (Psychology and Sociology) from Trinity University and in 2010 I graduated from George Washington University with a Master Degree in Counseling and Human Development. I then began working in the school system as a licensed Professional School Counselor for K-12 for 12 years. During that time, I also became a Certified Hypnotherapist in Rapid Transformation Therapy and completed a post-Master Certificate in Counseling in 2021. I became a Resident in Counseling in 2022, where I help people who are in challenging phases of their lives. In 2024, I will complete my residency and be a fully licensed therapist.

I practice various therapeutic approaches, where my focus is to help my clients understand that their thoughts lead to their feelings, which then leads to behavior which then becomes their reality. Together we explore how they can improve their lives and ultimately feel better.

I also practice Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT), a type of therapy where I use hypnosis to help clients uncover their limiting beliefs which were developed in their childhood past that have held them back and prevented them from living their best life.

Women's Health

My Story

I am a proud Puerto Rican woman from New York City. I grew up in the “projects” with a single mom who raised four children in a tiny apartment. Imagine the fights for the bathroom in the morning! My childhood was not easy, but I always felt loved and it definitely gave me character. I know what it’s like to be poor and struggling, and I know what it’s like to not know if you will reach your goals and dreams and have a better life than previous generations in your family. The fear of not succeeding is very real and can be difficult to manage without the right tools. With the help of a good head on my shoulders and a solid education, I was able to make it out and fulfill my dreams.

Since I was a young girl growing up in New York City, I have always been someone who cares very much about others and has deep compassion. As a lifelong learner who continually looks to expand and grow as a person, I have discovered that the big secret to true joy is loving yourself. Happiness stems from self-love, and it has now become my mission to spread this knowledge to others. Self-love requires self-care to grow and flourish, and therapy can go a long way to transforming your struggles and insecurities into self-love and true happiness. This is what makes me passionate for therapy, and inspired me to pursue a fulfilling career in this field. 

Lisa Kelleher

Once I approached my 50s, I had an awakening! My spirituality and awareness of my personal power increased over the years and although at times it has been a slow, bumpy road, I believe that my experiences shaped me and enables me to better help others. My experience, education, extensive knowledge, and credentials, inspire me to strive to help other women achieve their dreams and transform into the best version of themselves.

Lisa Kelleher